I don't even remember the last day it DID NOT snow. I only have five more days before my very last spring break from college, which will also include my very first spring break vacation! I would like to just tell you that yes, everything looks serene and calming with a blanketing of white fluff, but after a while it is destroyed. Classes are not cancelled. Footprints in the snow begin the damage. But you see, after three weeks of living in this frozen tundra, snow-covered-everything is not so pretty. Piles of "snirt" are everywhere. This is a new buzzword for year 2010 describing the snow-and-black-dirt-mixture. Oh yeah, and the freezing cold wind-blowing-snow-sideways-thing needs to stop. Otherwise, I hope you can get out your spring flowers and warm sunshine for us in the near future.
Much appreciated,